IPAPA Event, Arts Park

May 20, 2023 (Saturday)  ~  8 am – 3 pm

The Art Association of Henry County, in conjunction with Indiana Plein Air Painters Association (IPAPA), announce their 9th annual spring paintout. Plein air artists from Indiana and surrounding states will gather Saturday, May 20, 2023. 

In the past artists have traveled from as far away as Tennessee, Ohio and northern Indiana to participate in the paintout. Many are members of IPAPA, which is “dedicated to the education  of Indiana plein air painters and their supporters as well as the reawakening of an appreciation for Indiana landscape painting based on its rich history.” 

There is no registration fee.  

  • Sign in begins at 8 am, May 20 at the Art Center Gallery, 218 S. 15th St, New Castle, IN 47362.
  • Artists will receive a goody bag filled with a water bottle and snacks, as well as a folder filled with  information about painting locations.
  • Artists will gather back at the Art Center Gallery at 3 pm for refreshments. Paintings are also for sale at this time. 

Area residents are encouraged to venture out and observe artists painting on location throughout  the day.

Pre-register/register online, by emailing henrycountyarts@gmail.com or calling 765-529-2634